The meeting was declared open by President
George Holme at 7.06pm
The President declared a quorum with 60
members present.
The minutes of the Sept 7/06 general meeting
were read and adopted on motion by
Cy O’Leary seconded by Curley Keruluk.
Motion Carried
President George reported on the following:
success of the club is due to volunteers
the bar area has been completed
the grass is being cut on a regular basis
volunteers were responsible for our participation in Sandcastle Days
the low E ceiling was installed prior to start-up last season
these things were instituted by the previous Board
the end raised walkways were completed with thanks to PGOSA
the side walk ways will be done prior to start-up
many thanks to Winn & Shirley for keeping the concession running
thanks also to Margaret Robinson & Judy Hawkes for doing the banquets
the club had 12 draws last year with 468 curlers involved
special Olympians curled again this year under the direction of Doug Bell
the club hosted 6 bonspiels and the Provincial Masters Playoffs
we have been awarded the 2007 BC Sr. games curling event
the Ladies Washroom will be renovated this summer
Moved by Doug Bell and Seconded by Wayne
Searle the Presidents Report be adopted as presented. Motion Carried
Nancy Douglas gave a financial report (attached to the minutes)
She indicated we were in the black with $7380.34 in our checking account.
Moved by Curley Keruluk and Seconded by
Lark Balmer that the financial report be adopted as presented. Motion Carried.
Karen O’Leary gave a membership report indicating we have 751 members with
340-350 active curlers and 55 new members since last year.
Moved by Ken Holland and Seconded by Cy
O’Leary the membership report be adopted as presented. Motion Carried.
Maurice Tieulie indicated he has a list of volunteers to do summer work
and he will be calling as the
need arises. He thanked all those who helped in the bar over
the past season and thanked Linda Isham for donating a picture for the bar.
Moved by Cy O’Leary and seconded
by Wayne Searle the managers report be adopted as presented. Motion Carried.
Stan Nestibo reported on the fundraisers for last year and thanked those who worked at Sandcastle Days, traffic control at Oceanside Chev
and at Shoppers Drugs.
On the house side Stan reported on
the following items that need to be attended to – Cover the plastic on the ends of the arena – cover the knot holes that allow birds to nest in the building, removing the
moss and garbage from the flat roof
areas and installing the raised side walkways along the board side of the ice surface.
A question was asked about the condition of the corner of the roof that has come loose. Stan indicated a contractor has been contacted to look at the condition of the stringers and this will be done when weather permits.
Moved by Dick Gratton and seconded by Vern
Huntley that the report be adopted as presented. Motion Carried.
LEAGUES:Winn reported on the winning teams for the various leagues. Winn also mentioned that the concession needs a lot of help as it is too big a job
one or two people.
by Wayne Searle and seconded by Tom Boag the report be adopted as presented.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Cy O’Leary and seconded by Mel Henderson that Gary Burns and
Gary Hackman be appointed as auditors. Motion Carried
Mark Hoffman led the members in the election of Officers for the up coming
The following were elected by acclimation .
President – George Holme
Vice President – Jim Hoffman
Secretary – Allan McAskile
Treasurer – Nancy Douglas
The following names were submitted for the office of Director:
Winnifred Rehill
Bob Hawkes
Stan Nestibo
Shirley Wray
Karen O’Leary
Anne Ward
Gary Burns
Michelle Hiller.
Those elected as Director:
Winnifred Rehill
Bob Hawkes
Stan Nestibo
Karen O’Leary
Anne Ward
Gary Burns
Cy O’Leary inquired about the cost of hiring a full time person to run the concession . Nancy Douglas responded that the executive will be looking into business plans for both the concession and the bar, and that considering the feasibility of a full time person would be part of that
President George thanked Mark Hoffman for
running the election and for securing the nominations.
Their being for further business President
George declared the meeting adjourned at 8.04pm
Next executive meeting will be called by
the President.